• Why "MILAN meets SHAOLIN"? Where does?
“MILAN meets SHAOLIN” It stems from Shifu ShiHengChan and ShiHengDing (Shaolin Temple Italy- Shaolin Cultural Center of Milan) of to better serve their masters monks of the Shaolin Temple, updating the vision that normally has the tradition of the Monks Warriors, from 1 August 2010 recognized “Cultural Heritage of Humanity” during 34COMMITTEE MEETING of UNESCO in Brasilia. Unlike the majority of events dedicated to Shaolin which are manufactured in Milan and in Italy, "MILAN meets SHAOLIN" is a manifestation of the very innovative because, in addition to presenting aspects of the martial-spectacular Shaolin Tradition, objectives are to submit the educational aspects and the social activities and charitable virtually unknown to the public.
  • What is the mission of "MILAN meets SHAOLIN"?
Provide an opportunity for dialogue, peace and friendship and create an exchange educational, cultural and artistic testimonies of life between West and East, especially between CHINA and ITALY, strengthening the link between the city of Milan and the Shaolin Temple in Henan in China and integrating Professionalism, Instructional methods and Artistic Expressions West proposal for a common human and cultural growth among Peoples.
  • What are the objectives of “MILAN meets SHAOLIN”?
The Exhibition aims raise awareness and promote a permanent and 360 ° the Millennial Tradition Monks Warriors of Shaolin Temple in its martial aspects, cultural, Spiritual, art, therapeutic underlining the EDUCATIONAL-CULTURAL AND SOCIO-CHARITABLE in Milan, Province and Region of Lombardy through collaborations and events open to the whole Italy. Each future edition of "MILAN meets SHAOLIN" will continue with the deepening of the proposed year after year, to get to 2015 con the invitation of the XXX abbot of Shaolin Temple, Venerable ShiYongXin and Team of the International Exhibition of Shaolin monks to MILAN EXPO 2015.
  • What does present Shaolin in Milan?
The event “MILAN meets SHAOLIN” It is made solely for CONTRIBUTE TO EDUCATE AND TRAIN PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE, SANE, ACTIVE, LOVERS, USEFUL TO THEMSELVES AND TO,ABLE TO RETURN TO HOPE, HAVE CONFIDENCE IN LARGE AND WAIT. In a global context of serious “URGENT EDUCATIONAL”, The Millennial Tradition Shaolin, is the opportunity to reflect on the concept of discipline, Master-disciple relationship, ROOTING and IDENTITY ' that, experienced, and if proposed as elements of integral formation of the Person and strengthening of memory and historical specificities of a People and Communities, become a bridge to make us really important contemporary, able to deal positively and constructively with those who are different from us and able to guide the lifestyles to the best use of Energy Physics, Spiritual and resources applied to all human activity to grow and progress together. A multicultural city like Milan is well suited to act as a model for understanding the universal value of each specific Tradition, for a peaceful coexistence and a constructive exchange of common principles handed down by the various cultures, so that the differences could be used to make better appreciate the human being in its evolution.
  • "MILAN meets SHAOLIN" is a demonstration only to Milan?
The Exhibition is produced by SHAOLIN TEMPLE ITALY (Shaolin Cultural Center of Milan) in collaboration with the Shaolin Temple in China, Shaolin Cultural Center il d'Italia (Shaolin WITH FA) Rome-based, SEA (Shaolin Europe Association) Berlin-based and it enjoys the patronage of the Municipality and the Province of Milan, the Lombardy Region and the Italy-China Foundation. Also, support of many prestigious Italian and foreign institutions makes Demonstrating a totally international bearing witness to the great interest and appreciation that the Millennial Shaolin Tradition inspires in all countries of the world and confirming Milan as a city-node world of the first order for science to health, education and training, the nutrition and quality of life, solidarity and international cooperation.
  • What initiatives "MILAN meets SHAOLIN" proposes to promote and encourage knowledge of Shaolin Culture?
The Exhibition offers many different events that will satisfy the curiosity and the need to know all about the Millennial Shaolin Tradition: MOVIE and VIDEO STORY, EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL SYMPOSIUM, FORMAT “SHAOLIN&COACHING&PSYCHOFITNESS ", CHARITY DINNER in favor of 'ORPHANAGE SHAOLIN the Venerable Abbot ShiYongXin for "Project help 1000 Chinese orphans ", ECO-ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT “Guardians of the Universe”, STAGE SHAOLIN (x teenagers and adults) conducted by Monaco Shaolin ShiYanHui, Cineforum SHAOLIN, INCONTRI DI PRESENTAZIONE della CULTURA SHAOLIN c/o UNIVERSITÀ e SCUOLE DI MILANO, CERIMONIE BUDDHISTE CHAN (secondo il calendario del Monastero Shaolin), SANGA BUDDHISTA CHAN & THERAVADA: incontro con la comunità buddhista di Sri Lanka c/o Lankaramaya Buddhist Temple (zona Gratosoglio), SHAOLIN ESIBIZIONI.
  • Cosa fa “MILANO incontra SHAOLIN per il grande pubblico?
La bellezza e unicità della Tradizione Shaolin è che chiunque – a qualsiasi età e in qualsiasi condizione di salute si trovi – può avvicinarsi ad essa traendo beneficio dalle innumerevoli discipline e sapienze tramandate da 1500 dai Monaci per ottimizzare e massimizzare i potenziali della mente e del corpo umano, elevando la qualità della vita. Dai bambini agli anziani, dagli atleti ai diversamente-abili, dagli insegnanti ai dirigenti, by lay religious, all can be found in the Shaolin Culture interesting insights psychophysical practical and effective tools to improve and enhance its human growth.
Namo Amitabha