6 November : GITA in SWITZERLAND : Shifu Shi-Heng-Chan e Shi-Heng-Ding e gli Allievi Migale, Fais, Spanish, Carotenuto and Malgrati accompanied the Venerable Shi-Yan-Da and Shaolin Monks Shi-Xiao-Dong, Shi-Xiao-Mong e Shi-Xiao-Hu a visitare la Svizzera. Among wonderful turning autumn colors and the scent of chocolate…They are happily visited : the Chocolate Factory (Caslago-Lugano), life, shops and the wonderful lakeside of Lugano.
5 November : Milan – SHAOLIN TRIBUTE -MEETING BETWEEN THE WEST AND EAST (Photographic Exhibitions,Performances,Testimonials, Ceremonies ) c / o ROOM APPIANI (CIVIC ARENA IN MILAN) : PROJECT PRESENTATION SHAOLIN X PSYCHOFITNESS and FOUNDATION PROJECT PRESENTATION SHAOLIN TEMPLE ITALY IN MILAN – THANKS the On.Presidente Guido Podesta and Hon. Vice President of the Province of Milan Guido Maerna, Councillor Alan Rizzi Sector Sport and Recreation and the City of Milan Councillor Monica Rizzi Sport and Youth Sector Lombardy Region for supporting the evening and the entire Event. SPECIAL GUESTS: Venerabile Shi-Yan-Da, President Of The Milan City Council Manfredi Palmeri, President Beatrice Uguccioni (Area 9), Councillor Francesca Reversi (Municipality Of Pantigliate), Luisa Casiraghi, Maresa Moglia, Marco Columbro, Diego Dalla Palma, Matt Traverso, Paul Pinna, Maximum Tamiazzo, Marinella Boscolo, Perna Dott.Gianpaolo (Fidans), Practical Dott.Santo’ (Isokinetic), Maestro Guarneri (WTKA Italian Kung-Fu-FIWUK-Cones), Maestro Paul Doormat (Csen Milan), Marco Platania (Each Sport), Alviero Martini, Gianni Tolentino, Damiano (X Factor), Dave Deltoro, Astrid, Neva Furini, Gabriella Campomizzi, Rita Antonioli, M°Murari Caitanya Dasa, Maurizio Tiberi. SEE PHOTO REPORTAGE the EVENING, PRESS and GREETING OF PRESIDENTS, COUNCILLORS, VIP.

4 November : will be -: “Shaolin is for everyone” : deeply convinced of this, Shi-Heng-Chan e Shi-Heng-Ding, invited by the owner Andrea Granata organized “SHAOLIN @ BOBINO”: a serata special dedicated to SHAOLIN CULTURE in our innovative local lounge bar BOBINO CLUB Dock-area canals of Milan. The evening saw a great participation of the public and met with great interest and appreciation.
4 November : morning : PRESS CONFERENCE c / o PALAZZO MARINO (MILAN). PRESENTATION "MILAN MEETS SHAOLIN + SHAOLIN TRIBUTE” + PROJECT PSYCHOFITNESS-FIDANS AND PROJECT FOUNDATION SHAOLIN TEMPLE ITALY IN MILAN - With the participation of : Venerabile Shi-Yan-Da, Councillor Alan Rizzi, Diego Dalla Palma, Marco Columbro, Luisa Casiraghi, Shi-Heng-Chan , Shi-Heng-Ding. PRESS-NEWS COMMON MILAN Manifestation “MILAN MEETS SHAOLIN”.
3 November : will : SHAOLIN TEMPLE ITALY incontra LANKARAMAYA BUDDHIST TEMPLE : Buddhist SANGA : meeting / cultural exchange between Chan Buddhism and Theravada. The meeting between the Venerable Shi-Yan-Da and Monaco Theravada Buddhist community leader Venerabile Seelawimala Thero, It was very touching and friendly. Like the Shaolin Temple in China thanks to the Venerable Abbot Shi Yong Xin weaves long positive relationships and mutual respect with Sri Lanka, so also the Shaolin Temple through Italy Shifu Shi-Heng-Chan and Shi-Heng-Ding maintain a peaceful relationship and effective cooperation with the Sri Lanka Buddhist Association- Milan NPO, Communities of Sri Lanka present in Lombardy.
3 November : morning: Shaolin Temple Italy in collaboration with the Consultant in the Project Area PSYCHOFITNESS Prevention FIDANS Marinella Boscolo, organize the event : “A SCHOOL WITH SHAOLIN MONKS " : CONFERENCE-EXHIBITION-WORKSHOP his "SHAOLIN : Martial Art at the service of the Spirit for healthy growth and harmonious "c / o INSTITUTE IPS S.CATERINA (MI) . This event is attended by more than 500 Institute students, recording considerable interest and enthusiasm. For more info on the Project PSYCHOFITNESS, see section SPONSOR PROJECTS.
2 November : conference " BUDDHISM and MEDITATION CHAN with Venerable ??? Shi-select Create (少林寺 监 院 Shaolin Temple Supervisor,少林寺 武僧 僧 团长 Shaolin Monks Martial Arts Exhibition Troupe leader,观音 寺 住持 Guānyīn Temple Abbot) ( c/o AUDITORIUM CA’ GRANDA- AREA 9 MILAN)

Namo Amitabha