The Chinese artistic culture took place according to a unitary developmental line in his vast territory and geographically well-defined. It has also extended into the territories conquered and absorbed the invasions of other nations (Turkish, Mongols, manciù…) and their cultural influences without being influenced. It has remote origins: as early as the fourth millennium BC. There was a culture farm in China, whose economy was based mainly on the cultivation of millet and rice to the North to South. The works are identified by the name of several imperial dynasties that held power: In fact, the artists worked primarily for the emperor and his court. The most popular religions are Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Christians and Muslims are small minorities. The artistic production is often destined for ritual purposes, linked to the cult of the dead and the memory of the ancestors. Bronze Age (from the fourth millennium BC. the first millennium BC. included) have come down to us objects used in religious ceremonies such as vases, bronze, complicated and decorated, representing the centers of artistic activity of the Chinese Christian era until the beginning of the corresponding. The tombs are also objects in jade. This hard mineral, machinable only by means of abrasive, for its resistance was considered capable of preserving bodies from decay. Numerous forms of art are we were able to develop thanks to the influence of great philosophers, teachers, religious figures and politicians. Chinese art encompasses all aspects of human creative expression, from visual arts to’ folk art and performance art.
Namo Amitabha