Chinese cuisine is one of the oldest in the world and has its origins in a past absolutely historic and Remote, It is making it absolutely fascinating and interesting, because it is linked to customs and costumes of incredible wonder. The dishes we now know as typical and traditional China, They were prepared to celebrate moments and religious and historical events of particular importance and for this you are as a real kind of national identity, which over the centuries has maintained its relevance and its spirit.
It is born as a nation founded primarily on agriculture (It is in fact the latest technological expansion) Most Chinese dishes h year as main element the vegetables and vegetables. There are also meat, which play a fundamental role in the Chinese population: chicken, pig, beef lamb. Practically absent the use of dairy and animal fats and is very abundant use of spices and herbs aromatiche.Inoltre the role of soy and derivatives, is very important: the best known products are soy and tofu sauce. For Chinese cuisine is a real art, to which goes dedicated than. The practice of cutting the foods (and especially the meat) in small pieces it derives from the need of eating with chopsticks (kuaizi), the type of knife used is very similar to our mannarette (knives to split bones). The Wok is the pot that is taken to cook whatever, given its extreme versatility, the most popular cooking is that the steamed, boiling and frying (immersion or “Missed”).
Chinese cuisine is also closely linked to philosophy and medicine. The yin foods, female, moist and tender, therefore refreshing, are legumes and fruits. The yang foods, male, fried, spicy or meat have a warming effect. A meal must therefore not only harmonize tastes, but also strike a balance between the cold and the heat. To compliment a dish, it is said that “It helps to pass the rice”. The Chinese share the dishes. These are often pooled and the table is characterized by its social aspect. It is round and sometimes topped by a turntable where the plates were deposited. No knife is present at the table. All foods are cut into the kitchen, with the exception of seafood that are sometimes served in shell.
China coexist five main cooking schools, each linked to a region.
  1. Cantonese cuisine is the one that comes closest to the cuisine offered by our own Chinese restaurants, the typical dishes are the lemon chicken and Cantonese rice.
  2. The cuisine of the north, the Hebei region (where is Beijing) It is famous for ravioli (jiaozi) and roast duck (kaoya), very complex and refined dish.
  3. Sichuan cuisine, almost unknown in the West, It is the hottest. One of the signature dishes is the mapo doufu (tofu) spicy.
  4. The cuisine of Fujian is famous for its soups and oysters.
  5. The cuisine of Jiangsu and Zhejiang is famous for its freshwater fish and sea, crabs, and for a very particular dish: the languages ​​of smoked duck.
The typical Chinese dishes are known and appreciated internationally, thanks especially to the extraordinary diffusion, in the West, Ethnic restaurants, offering traditional cuisine of this extraordinary land east. Among the most famous Chinese dishes and appreciated even by Western audiences are :
  • Spring rolls,
  • Steamed ravioli,
  • Cantonese rice,
  • caramelized fruits.
  • Peking duck
  • Foo yung shrimp
  • fried prawns
  • Fried ice cream
  • Soy sprouts with Chinese mushrooms
  • Soup with egg drops
  • Krupuk
  • Chicken curry
  • Fish soup
Namo Amitabha