Stefania Bensi

  • He graduated in Psychology at the University of Padua in 1992, deals with helping people with emotional problems to find themselves and their beauty through nutrition. Specializing in Hypnosis, Biofeedback techniques and bioenergy for the psychophysical balance. Teaches the technique of the Five Tibetans applied to the field GIA.
  • He likes to call the psychologist intestine. His course of treatment starts from the balance of the intestine (our second brain) through a style of personal power. Expert in food intolerances and Emodieta(nutrition according to blood type). Power alkalizing. Food therapy for the treatment of intestinal parasites (Candida Albicans). Bach flowers. Chromotherapy. Calves
  • Collabora da anni con diversi centri benessere in Italia ed alcune cliniche (Policlinico di Monza, Casa di Cura Città di Alessandria, Poliambulatorio per la Medicina del Lavoro di Sassuolo).
  • Riceve in uno studio privato a Milano e a Roma.