Igor Loddo Francesca Audisio

I do not speak of the founders are Parlato
Igor Loddo
  • Artistic director I am not speak Speech.
  • Actor, director, actor coach.
  • After graduating from the School for the Orientation Theatre Those of Grock, She collaborates with the theater company, participating in various productions. Over the years specializing in theatrical training, cooperating with various realities. Become a part of the group of Italian actors of Patrice Chéreau, world-famous director, from which is directed to the production of Tristan und Isolde (world premiere Teatro alla Scala in Milan, 2007) House and Einem Totenhaus replicated in Italy and abroad. He studied theatrical biomechanics following specific master with several Russian masters. She collaborates with the Teatro alla Scala as an actor for various works and coach for several opera singers taking care of the stage movements of "Madama Butterfly" directed by Fabio Ceresa for the foundation Pergolesi-Spontini. He combines his career attorale to trainer, for professional and non-professional actors and in different situations, such as those corporate. Personal Trainer per incentive aziendali e team building. It 'was to 10 years actor of the theater company in Milan Monkeys Nude, with whom she made several productions (Hamlet, The sea, Emigrant, Perversions,Disconnections) and for which he was professor of the chair for the Laboratory of second level.
Francesca Audisio
  • Organization, communication and office printing I do not speak I Parlato.
  • Has been working for years to organize theatrical / cultural and communication. Besides working in the organization and design of major cultural events and the world of communication and press office (Italian telecom project, Amat communication and Aida Partners Ogilvy PR), He was a freelance journalist and contributor to various newspapers. Per 10 years President of the theater company Naked Monkeys and director of the school, It was involved in everything that had to do with the organizational environment (distribution, promotion, planning and organization of production and training areas). Occasionally trainer within educational and business.
Namo Amitabha