Will of the Venerable Abbot ShiYongXin, on 1 September 2010 was born in Vienna SEA (Shaolin Europe Association), Abbot of the Shaolin Monastery organization wanted to disclose properly the Shaolin Culture in the three sectors:
  1. Chan (the meditative practice),
  2. il Wu (practice martial) and
  3. lo Yi (traditional medicine).
SEA is therefore the only official European body recognized by the Shaolin Temple and the Venerable Abbot Shi Yong Xin to coordinate the activities of our continent and it marks the beginning of a much larger project that sees the dissemination of culture Shaolin represented only by accredited and officially recognized by Veberabile XXX abbot of the Shaolin Temple. Indeed, one of the objectives of SEA is to avoid to use for commercial purposes (that they have nothing to do with the culture of the original Temple) or abuse of the Shaolin name without the direct approval of the Venerable Abbot ShiYongXin.
SEA (Shaolin Europe Association) based c / o Shaolin Tempel Deutschland in Berlin.
Shaolin Temple Italy, Main organizer “MILAN meets SHAOLIN”, He is affiliated with SHAOLIN QUAN FA, è ufficialmente dentro la SEA che ha la sua rappresentanza ufficiale in Italia nella figura del Maestro Monaco Shaolin 34°generazione Shi Yan Hui (con il sostegno del Maestro Paolo Antonelli, Presidente della WWA Kung Fu).
ShiHengChan e ShiHengDing, Direttori del Centro Culturale Shaolin di Milano, sono al servizio del Monaco Shaolin Shi Yan Hui per unire in un comune cammino di pratica tutte le scuole Shaolin in Italia, tramite l’insegnamento dello Shaolin Originale del Tempio, manifestazioni, stages, gare, conferenze, pubblicazioni, etc..

Namo Amitabha