According to the Shaolin Masters every disease, physical or mental, has its roots deep in a voluntary or involuntary infringement, the laws of nature or the universal order (dharma) on which all equilibrium. When, we break the dharma, claiming that by which the body was not designed, the immune system is damaged and becomes easily vulnerable. But when we cultivate thoughts and acts high, the immune system is strengthened. When we become aware of our spiritual nature and cease to identify with the mind-body structure, we will recover our valuable tools for self-healing. The fifth rule enjoins the Shaolin monks not to take medication if it is not necessary, otherwise the vital energy will stop flowing freely.
In fact the drugs are not the architects of our healing, but act as catalysts, or vital energy enhancers, the true body responsible for protecting. If you learn to listen to body language and deliberately produce these stimuli, when they are needed, there will be no need to hire outside catalysts, because the body is able to produce only the drugs they need. The Shaolin monks learn to tap into their inner resources, to activate the healthy process that prolongs life and reduces mental and physical suffering. The body and mind, as the entire universe, are full of subtle energies, not directly perceptible by the senses. There are no physical barriers between, psychological and metaphysical; life itself is a combination of these three interacting dimensions of reality, also explains how the rest of Western science. Therefore if we take care only of the physical health, neglecting the mental, we will not achieve lasting results, while those who become spiritually enlightened automatically activates the inner resources of self-healing can also influence on the psychophysical.
Shaolin medicine indicates specific attitudes to be taken to prevent and heal physical illness and psychopathology, adequate absorption of energy through the universe.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, Qi exhausted (xie-Qi) can be reintegrated into the body through three methods:
  1. controlled breathing,
  2. meditation or meditation,
  3. proper diet.
In the presence of specific diseases, to these three main methods, Shaolin medicine combines traditional therapies with herbal and medicinal plants, described in the five volumes of the Treaty Shaolin Ben-Cao, "Materia Medica Shaolin", the laying on of hands and other healing methods such as saliva, breath, gaze, healing symbols and sounds. However, after collecting the cosmic energy, it is necessary to preserve the vitality that results keeping in harmony with the universal energies, developing the following good habits Shaolin:
  • ethical principles.
  • study oneself in the light of Scripture.
  • being in the company of wise and enlightened.
  • listen and practice the teachings of a spiritual master.
  • feed the mind only positive impressions.
  • be aware that everyone has within himself all the strength he needs to finally heal and stay healthy.
  • cultivate a spirit of asceticism.
  • commit their energies in the spiritual quest.
  • practice meditation on the mantra.
  • surrender in faith to Buddha.
  • engage with love and devotion to His service.
Namo Amitabha